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Feed the Homeless Ministry

Our Lady of Grace
430 Avenue W Gravesend
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Annette Bonvino

The Pastoral Office of Sr. Jane Talbot at Our Lady of Grace runs a Feed the Homeless Ministry every Wednesday and Friday morning. This group has 14 volunteers that start the day with Mass at 8:45 a.m. and then walk over to the Rectory Meeting Room and start making sandwiches or hot meals for the homeless. They package the meals, and at approximately 12 noon other volunteers come down to pick up the food and coffee, and deliver it to a location in Coney Island for distribution to the homeless. On Friday mornings some of the group gather in the Meeting Room to help make breakfast and a light lunch for the homeless.

Sometimes money is donated from parishioners to keep the Ministry going. Contact Annette Bonvino-718-375-0668, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., for any questions.